Keeping the Past alive, One Story at a Time
June 18, 2023

The Mask of Death; Or Nick Carter's Curious Case, Pt 3

The Mask of Death; Or Nick Carter's Curious Case, Pt 3

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In this episode, we delve into the 1915 dime novel mystery, "The Mask of Death," featuring detective Nick Carter. The story follows Nick and his team as they investigate a bizarre crime committed by the notorious criminal, Mortimer Deland. As they uncover evidence implicating Deland, his alleged sister played by English crook Fanny Coyle and a housekeeper played by an unknown American, the clues leave the team with even more questions to answer.

During the investigation of the stolen casket, Nick's adopted son and fellow detective, Chick Carter, stops at a hotel for lunch and unexpectedly stumbles across Deland and his crew hiding out under an assumed name. Chick decides to wait and watch the couple, hoping to catch them in the act.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, leaving listeners wondering what Chick has planned for the supposed Deland and Coyle, and if they will finally be caught. Join us as we explore the twists and turns of this thrilling mystery novel and uncover the secrets that lie within its pages.

Theme written by Bernard Kyer for this podcast. Follow the link for more info.

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00:00:00.840 --> 00:00:01.590
Hi friends.

00:00:01.830 --> 00:00:06.030
And welcome to another exciting episode of forward into the past.

00:00:06.631 --> 00:00:20.330
I'm JC Rede your host and narrator and today we're continuing the exploits of Nick Carter as he delves deeper into the 1915 mystery, the mask of death or Nick Carter's curious case.

00:00:21.530 --> 00:00:32.780
Nick Carter, the fictional detective created by John R Correale in the late 19th century is often cited as one of the earliest examples of the detective archetype in literature.

00:00:33.170 --> 00:00:41.511
His influence on the detective genre is undeniable, but his impact on the superhero archetype is often overlooked.

00:00:41.911 --> 00:00:48.151
Nick Carter was a highly skilled and intelligent detective who used his wits and cunning to solve crimes.

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He was physically fit and well-trained in hand-to-hand combat making him a formidable opponent for any villain.

00:00:56.280 --> 00:01:03.180
His character was popularized in pulp magazines and dime novels, which were widely read by the public at that time.

00:01:03.720 --> 00:01:09.941
One of the key elements of Nick Carter's character was his sense of justice and his desire to protect the innocent.

00:01:10.510 --> 00:01:16.391
He was often portrayed as a hero who would go to great lengths to ensure that justice was served.

00:01:17.171 --> 00:01:25.301
This sense of heroism and selflessness was a precursor to the superhero archetype, which would emerge in the 20th century.

00:01:26.320 --> 00:01:33.730
The superhero archetype was born out of a need for heroes in a world that was increasingly complex and uncertain.

00:01:34.221 --> 00:01:45.051
The great depression and world war two had left many people feeling helpless and vulnerable, and the superhero genre provided a sense of hope and inspiration.

00:01:45.590 --> 00:01:58.490
The first superheroes, such as Superman and Batman were heavily influenced by the detective archetype with their emphasis on justice and their use of intelligence and physical prowess to fight crime.

00:01:59.081 --> 00:02:04.301
Nick Carter's influence on the superhero archetype can be seen in several key areas.

00:02:04.721 --> 00:02:11.651
Firstly his emphasis on justice and protecting the innocent was a key element of the superhero genre.

00:02:12.461 --> 00:02:19.510
Superheroes were often portrayed as defenders of the weak and vulnerable fighting against injustice and oppression.

00:02:20.441 --> 00:02:26.050
Secondly, Nick Carter's physical prowess and combat skills were also influential.

00:02:26.621 --> 00:02:33.700
Many superheroes, such as Batman, were highly skilled fighters who used their physical abilities to fight crime.

00:02:34.480 --> 00:02:42.161
The idea of a hero who was physically fit and highly skilled in combat was an important part of the superhero archetype.

00:02:42.741 --> 00:02:52.491
Finally Nick Carter's popularity in the pulp magazines and dime novels helped to establish the idea of a hero who was larger than life.

00:02:53.080 --> 00:03:01.001
Superheroes were often portrayed as larger than life figures who were capable of incredible feats of strength and bravery.

00:03:01.540 --> 00:03:07.001
This sense of grandeur and spectacle was a key part of the superhero genre.

00:03:07.570 --> 00:03:08.381
In conclusion.

00:03:08.591 --> 00:03:13.450
Nick Carter's influence on the superhero archetype can not be overstated.

00:03:13.941 --> 00:03:21.651
His emphasis on justice, physical prowess and heroism, helped to establish the key elements of the superhero genre.

00:03:22.140 --> 00:03:31.491
His legacy can still be seen in modern superhero stories, which continue to inspire and entertain audiences around the world.

00:03:32.040 --> 00:03:43.681
And we will see exactly that inspiration in action as we jump back into the 1915 story, the mask of death or Nick Carter's curious case.

00:03:45.681 --> 00:03:48.290
Chapter five suspicions verified.

00:03:49.760 --> 00:04:00.561
Nick Carter knew that he had found one important clue, at least in the threatening communication, which had been left there by Gerald Vaughn, as the latter had been known while occupying the Colonel Barker residence.

00:04:01.010 --> 00:04:06.320
The very audacity of it moreover was additional evidence of the true identity of the writer.

00:04:06.770 --> 00:04:17.240
For it corresponded with many, a previous display of effrontery, which had in connection with his extraordinary crimes, made the name of Mortimer Deland, notorious.

00:04:17.740 --> 00:04:20.831
Nick turned and displayed the letter when Chick and Patsy entered.

00:04:21.401 --> 00:04:22.661
Do you recognize the hand?

00:04:22.841 --> 00:04:23.500
He inquired.

00:04:24.060 --> 00:04:27.630
By Jove, it looks like that which Conroy showed us chick said quickly.

00:04:27.870 --> 00:04:28.920
I can almost swear to it.

00:04:29.261 --> 00:04:30.190
I think so, too.

00:04:30.581 --> 00:04:33.250
We can clinch it easy enough, chief, put in Patsy.

00:04:33.761 --> 00:04:35.500
I still have the tracery I made.

00:04:35.891 --> 00:04:39.281
We came away in such a hurry chief that I did not put it in your desk.

00:04:39.740 --> 00:04:42.500
Let me see it, said Nick, and I will compare them.

00:04:42.990 --> 00:04:46.141
It took him only a moment to satisfy himself that he was right.

00:04:46.740 --> 00:04:51.781
There were peculiarities in the fine feminine hand that left him no shadow of a doubt.

00:04:52.271 --> 00:04:53.591
It is dead open and shut.

00:04:53.680 --> 00:04:54.341
He declared.

00:04:54.750 --> 00:04:57.821
Vaughn is none other than Mortimer DeLand.

00:04:58.211 --> 00:05:02.920
The bizarre character of this crime, moreover is directly in line with his work abroad.

00:05:03.401 --> 00:05:05.800
That's true, chief for fair said, Patsy.

00:05:06.161 --> 00:05:12.581
Who else would have thought of using a casket, florist's boxes, and an Undertaker's wagon for getting away with a big lot of plunder?

00:05:13.000 --> 00:05:13.661
The job.

00:05:13.690 --> 00:05:16.451
Spells Mortimer Deland, Patsy in capital letters.

00:05:16.581 --> 00:05:17.360
Nick interrupted.

00:05:17.860 --> 00:05:22.961
His alleged sister, undoubtedly is Fannie Coyle, the English female crook, Conroy mentioned.

00:05:23.430 --> 00:05:24.711
Gee, that's right too.

00:05:25.141 --> 00:05:27.990
The housekeeper said to have died is another Confederate.

00:05:28.161 --> 00:05:28.761
Nick added.

00:05:29.360 --> 00:05:35.060
She probably is an American woman however, since such an assistant would have been required by comparative strangers here.

00:05:35.560 --> 00:05:38.560
The undertaker and his assistant also must be in league with them.

00:05:38.831 --> 00:05:39.490
Chick argued.

00:05:39.980 --> 00:05:41.031
Yes, undoubtedly.

00:05:41.091 --> 00:05:41.781
Nick agreed.

00:05:42.321 --> 00:05:45.781
Otherwise the two men would have detected and exposed the fraud.

00:05:46.161 --> 00:05:53.690
They would have known whether the casket contained a corpse and the pasteboard boxes, a quantity of flowers, or whether they were packed with other articles.

00:05:53.920 --> 00:06:00.821
They could not have been so egregiously deceived, even though they did not open them and were employed only to take them to a railway station.

00:06:01.310 --> 00:06:04.100
Surely not Nick, if they have brains, chick declared.

00:06:04.461 --> 00:06:05.810
That's the point I had in mind.

00:06:06.281 --> 00:06:09.100
I shall not be surprised if we find the casket still in the house.

00:06:09.310 --> 00:06:12.430
And that only the outside box was used for removing the plunder.

00:06:12.850 --> 00:06:15.581
It would contain more and could be more easily packed.

00:06:16.081 --> 00:06:17.430
Let's find out, said Chick.

00:06:17.761 --> 00:06:20.011
The casket was on a bier in the parlor last evening.

00:06:20.401 --> 00:06:21.810
He led the way while speaking.

00:06:21.901 --> 00:06:24.661
And again, Nick's prediction proved to be correct.

00:06:25.230 --> 00:06:28.711
The casket was found standing on end behind the parlor door.

00:06:29.281 --> 00:06:32.880
The standards on which it had rested the previous evening, were back of a sofa.

00:06:33.451 --> 00:06:44.310
The entire robbery was, as Nick had said, Of a bizarre character and originality of conception that alone proclaimed the identity of the knave who had designed and directed it.

00:06:44.850 --> 00:06:49.651
There appears to be nothing for us now, but to get after the Rascals, said chick, a bit impatiently.

00:06:50.081 --> 00:06:51.610
They have a start of more than an hour.

00:06:52.031 --> 00:06:55.360
We may be able to trace them, nevertheless, if we get a move on and.

00:06:55.401 --> 00:06:57.831
We shall be more likely to meet with success chick.

00:06:57.920 --> 00:06:59.781
If we make haste slowly.

00:06:59.891 --> 00:07:00.790
Nick interposed.

00:07:01.300 --> 00:07:03.130
There is no telling where they have gone.

00:07:03.730 --> 00:07:09.040
It is perfectly safe to assume, nevertheless, that they did not go to a railway station as stated.

00:07:09.531 --> 00:07:17.480
They will not let others handle those boxes nor attempt to transport them in any other conveyance than the wagon with which they are provided.

00:07:17.990 --> 00:07:22.011
But it's an Undertaker's wagon, Nick and we ought to be able to trace it.

00:07:22.430 --> 00:07:23.901
Chick argued more forcibly.

00:07:24.391 --> 00:07:31.201
There are a hundred such wagons on the move this morning Chick, and it would be impossible to trace this particular one.

00:07:31.550 --> 00:07:32.161
Nick insisted.

00:07:32.610 --> 00:07:34.050
There would be nothing in that.

00:07:34.531 --> 00:07:36.000
Oh, you may be right.

00:07:36.480 --> 00:07:37.500
I know I am right.

00:07:37.800 --> 00:07:44.911
We must take advantage of the difficulties involving the Rascals themselves, instead of going up against those they have put in our way.

00:07:45.411 --> 00:07:46.071
What do you mean?

00:07:46.581 --> 00:07:50.420
No undertaker is engaged in this robbery said Nick confidently.

00:07:50.901 --> 00:07:57.951
DeLand and his Confederates have contrived in some way to obtain a casket, the florist boxes and an undertakers team.

00:07:58.610 --> 00:08:04.850
We must find out where they came from, if possible, and try to discover the identity of DeLand's male Confederates.

00:08:05.360 --> 00:08:07.370
The supposed undertaker and his assistant?

00:08:07.860 --> 00:08:08.521

00:08:08.850 --> 00:08:10.800
They probably are local crooks.

00:08:11.071 --> 00:08:13.201
Also the woman who posed as the housekeeper.

00:08:13.860 --> 00:08:19.531
If we can identify one of them, even, we shall have picked up a thread that may lead us to the entire gang.

00:08:20.040 --> 00:08:21.990
Well, there is something in that, Chick admitted.

00:08:22.471 --> 00:08:29.790
The trunks containing the belongings of the three crooks who have been living here must've been taken away several days ago, or by night perhaps.

00:08:30.031 --> 00:08:30.661
Nick went on.

00:08:31.401 --> 00:08:34.291
Deland would not have deferred their removal until this morning.

00:08:34.770 --> 00:08:35.490
Surely not.

00:08:35.980 --> 00:08:40.811
It is barely possible of course, that the Hackman who was here this morning was in league with them.

00:08:41.110 --> 00:08:43.150
But I do not think it probable.

00:08:43.660 --> 00:08:48.490
We must hunt him up therefore, and find out where he took DeLand and Fannie Coyle this morning.

00:08:48.980 --> 00:08:51.230
You appear to have no doubt of their identity, Nick.

00:08:51.701 --> 00:08:52.721
Not the slightest.

00:08:53.211 --> 00:08:56.410
Gee, it looks like a cinch chief for fair put in Patsy.

00:08:56.900 --> 00:09:02.000
Bear in mind too, that we have one unsuspected advantage over this rascal, Nick added.

00:09:02.530 --> 00:09:03.191
What is that?

00:09:03.721 --> 00:09:07.020
He doesn't even dream of course, that we are informed of his identity.

00:09:07.530 --> 00:09:10.171
He undoubtedly has been living here in disguise.

00:09:10.530 --> 00:09:19.551
He will discard it now and take another alias, confident that no one will recognize him or even think of Mortimer DeLand as the perpetrator of this robbery.

00:09:20.061 --> 00:09:21.380
That's more than likely Nick.

00:09:21.581 --> 00:09:23.471
And we ought to derive some advantage from it.

00:09:23.971 --> 00:09:27.811
I think we shall chick having seen the photograph Conroy brought round.

00:09:28.140 --> 00:09:29.191
Feeling thus confident.

00:09:29.191 --> 00:09:36.600
Moreover, DeLand is daring enough to go straight to a first-class hotel with Fannie coil posing in entirely new characters.

00:09:36.850 --> 00:09:40.630
It will be well to inspect some of the hotel registers in search of his writing.

00:09:41.140 --> 00:09:43.061
There are possibilities in all that, Nick.

00:09:43.250 --> 00:09:44.370
Chick readily admitted.

00:09:44.870 --> 00:09:50.791
Bear in mind too, the difficulties involved in disposing of the plunder from an Undertaker's wagon, said Nick.

00:09:51.240 --> 00:09:52.831
Where would the Rascals take it?

00:09:53.431 --> 00:10:00.750
Not to a private residence for the wagon would attract the attention of the neighbors and give rise to inquiries that might result in speedy exposure.

00:10:01.140 --> 00:10:06.961
If taken to an isolated house, the wagon would be seen going there and investigations might follow.

00:10:07.620 --> 00:10:09.780
The Rascals would not take those chances.

00:10:10.260 --> 00:10:11.130
I agree with you.

00:10:11.421 --> 00:10:12.030
Chick nodded.

00:10:12.451 --> 00:10:16.951
Nor will they trust their load to any railway company nor to transportation by others.

00:10:17.451 --> 00:10:18.140
Surely not.

00:10:18.610 --> 00:10:20.321
How then would they dispose of it?

00:10:20.801 --> 00:10:22.331
Where would they naturally take it?

00:10:22.831 --> 00:10:24.120
Well, that's the question, Nick.

00:10:24.610 --> 00:10:26.201
Gee, it's some question too.

00:10:26.671 --> 00:10:32.461
They might of course drive to some point out of the city, where they could transfer it undetected to an ordinary wagon.

00:10:32.760 --> 00:10:35.880
In which it could be quickly taken to some place of concealment.

00:10:36.301 --> 00:10:40.110
Or it might be hidden in some Woodland section and afterward removed.

00:10:40.561 --> 00:10:43.291
There really seems to be no other safe way of disposing it.

00:10:43.410 --> 00:10:43.951
Said Chick.

00:10:44.441 --> 00:10:45.520
Don't be too sure of that.

00:10:45.760 --> 00:10:46.480
Nick advised.

00:10:46.691 --> 00:10:48.971
Deland is crafty and ingenious.

00:10:49.331 --> 00:10:53.681
He may have hit upon an entirely different method, one, so novel and original.

00:10:53.921 --> 00:10:55.301
That it does not occur to us.

00:10:55.791 --> 00:10:56.660
Well, possibly.

00:10:57.130 --> 00:11:00.791
Be that as it may, Chick, we will take up the trail as we find it.

00:11:00.900 --> 00:11:01.980
Nick said abruptly.

00:11:02.490 --> 00:11:06.331
I will return to Strickland's apartments and give him a few instructions.

00:11:06.600 --> 00:11:09.600
Then I'll be off for a talk with the agent in charge of this house.

00:11:09.870 --> 00:11:11.490
He may impart something worth knowing.

00:11:11.990 --> 00:11:13.280
Well, it's worth trying at least.

00:11:13.780 --> 00:11:19.331
You get next to a telephone and a directory in the meantime and call up all of the local undertakers.

00:11:19.600 --> 00:11:23.291
Find out whether one of them has an extra wagon and has rented it or.

00:11:23.400 --> 00:11:24.360
I understand chief.

00:11:24.900 --> 00:11:25.921
Chick cut in with a nod.

00:11:26.441 --> 00:11:29.870
Learn what you can from him, in that case, and be governed accordingly.

00:11:30.380 --> 00:11:31.100
Trust me for that.

00:11:31.561 --> 00:11:36.270
While we are thus engaged, Patsy, you get after the cabmen and the local express drivers.

00:11:36.541 --> 00:11:38.640
Find out if possible, who took away.

00:11:38.711 --> 00:11:40.600
The crooks trunks put in Patsy.

00:11:40.900 --> 00:11:42.311
I got you chief, hands down.

00:11:42.671 --> 00:11:44.890
You don't need to tell me what to do in a case of this kind.

00:11:45.390 --> 00:11:46.490
Very good said Nick.

00:11:46.890 --> 00:11:47.821
Telephone to the house.

00:11:47.880 --> 00:11:51.360
Any discovery you make, providing circumstances prevent you from returning.

00:11:51.900 --> 00:11:54.030
Otherwise, we'll meet there as usual.

00:11:54.721 --> 00:11:58.350
That's all except to dig in tooth and nail to trace these Rascals.

00:11:58.860 --> 00:12:00.750
It was by then nine o'clock.

00:12:01.321 --> 00:12:06.750
Precisely two hours had passed since the departure of Mortimer DeLand and Fannie coil.

00:12:07.140 --> 00:12:10.260
And the undertakers wagon filled with the stolen treasures.

00:12:12.230 --> 00:12:14.390
Chapter six, a man of nerve.

00:12:15.750 --> 00:12:21.240
While Nick Carter returned to the Strickland flat to impart such information and instructions, as would serve his purpose.

00:12:21.681 --> 00:12:28.051
Chick Carter parted from Patsy on the corner of fifth avenue, and then hastened home to use the telephone and directory.

00:12:28.541 --> 00:12:41.660
Instead of calling up the local undertakers, however, chick decided that he would first ascertain from police headquarters, whether the theft of such extraordinary articles as a casket and an Undertaker's team had been reported to the police.

00:12:42.160 --> 00:12:44.650
He had no great hope of hitting the trail so quickly.

00:12:44.951 --> 00:12:47.441
But he was agreeably disappointed.

00:12:47.910 --> 00:12:49.010
Yes, Chick, sure.

00:12:49.410 --> 00:12:53.730
Was the reply by a Sergeant who responded and to whom the detective had mentioned his name.

00:12:54.221 --> 00:12:56.321
Both were stolen three days ago from a.

00:12:56.750 --> 00:12:59.410
A Michael Hanlin, a Harlem undertaker.

00:12:59.860 --> 00:13:01.331
I've seen nothing published about it.

00:13:01.461 --> 00:13:01.971
Said Chick.

00:13:02.461 --> 00:13:04.890
The facts have been suppressed, pending an investigation.

00:13:05.431 --> 00:13:06.780
Do you know any of the details?

00:13:07.291 --> 00:13:08.370
No, nothing more.

00:13:08.791 --> 00:13:09.660
I'll get them for you.

00:13:10.171 --> 00:13:11.100
I will not trouble you.

00:13:11.370 --> 00:13:12.660
I will look them up for myself.

00:13:13.201 --> 00:13:14.821
Do you know anything about the case?

00:13:15.331 --> 00:13:17.870
No more than you Chick replied, evasively.

00:13:18.331 --> 00:13:24.660
He then hung up the receiver and started for Harlem to interview Michael Hanlin and in search for more definite evidence.

00:13:25.145 --> 00:13:29.581
Very little could be found, however, nor could Hanlin impart much information.

00:13:30.390 --> 00:13:41.410
He stated that the casket had been stolen from a storeroom in the basement of his establishment, and the wagon from a stable back of the building, both occupying a lot, adjoining his residence.

00:13:41.921 --> 00:13:52.880
The stable opened upon a side street, however, and the wagon evidently had been drawn out and taken away with a horse belonging to the thieves, his own not having been removed from its stall.

00:13:53.360 --> 00:13:54.410
If it had been Mr.

00:13:54.410 --> 00:13:59.270
Carter, I should have heard the Rascals, Hanlin declared after imparting the foregoing facts.

00:13:59.561 --> 00:14:01.360
I would have heard the hooves on the floor.

00:14:01.860 --> 00:14:07.211
That probably is the only reason why the crooks brought a horse of their own and drew out the wagon quietly said Chick.

00:14:07.701 --> 00:14:08.480
Most likely.

00:14:08.910 --> 00:14:11.321
The police could find no clue as to their identity, eh?

00:14:11.770 --> 00:14:12.490
No, sir.

00:14:12.760 --> 00:14:14.500
The Rascals got away clean enough, sir.

00:14:14.801 --> 00:14:17.051
And I am out the casket and the wagon, I'm thinking.

00:14:17.171 --> 00:14:18.490
Hanlin grumbled bitterly.

00:14:18.995 --> 00:14:30.500
Chick then had nothing to offer him in the way of encouragement having found no evidence worthy of note, and he returned to the nearest elevated station alighting from the train half an hour later at 42nd street.

00:14:31.010 --> 00:14:34.341
It then was after one o'clock, too late for lunch at home.

00:14:34.811 --> 00:14:38.230
Chick decided to take it in one of the excellent hotels in that locality.

00:14:38.721 --> 00:14:43.490
As he was about to enter the cafe however, one of Nick's earlier suggestions occurred to him.

00:14:43.971 --> 00:14:45.260
There might be something in it.

00:14:45.350 --> 00:14:45.890
He muttered.

00:14:46.431 --> 00:14:49.071
I'll go up to the office instead and have a look at the register.

00:14:49.421 --> 00:14:53.500
He did so, and verified the sagacity of the famous detective.

00:14:53.821 --> 00:15:04.013
Almost the first entry that met Chick's gaze, inscribed in that same fine clean cut hand of which he had seen specimens that day was that of Charles F.

00:15:04.013 --> 00:15:06.673
Brooks and wife, Washington, DC.

00:15:07.182 --> 00:15:10.602
Great guns, thought chick surprised in spite of himself.

00:15:10.903 --> 00:15:12.942
Have I really cornered the rats so quickly.

00:15:13.452 --> 00:15:18.072
If that isn't DeLand's hand or that of Gerald Vaughn at least, I'll eat my hat.

00:15:18.552 --> 00:15:22.543
Instead of plunging over the traces however, Chick turned to the clerk and remarked.

00:15:22.743 --> 00:15:23.552
I see that Mr.

00:15:23.552 --> 00:15:23.913
And Mrs.

00:15:23.913 --> 00:15:25.143
Brooks are here from Washington.

00:15:25.543 --> 00:15:28.332
Yes, they arrived this morning, said the clerk's smiling.

00:15:28.793 --> 00:15:30.052
Are they frequent visitors?

00:15:30.462 --> 00:15:31.393
Well, quite so.

00:15:31.832 --> 00:15:32.732
Not strangers then.

00:15:33.133 --> 00:15:36.373
Oh, no, they are here each month and sometimes more frequently.

00:15:36.883 --> 00:15:40.273
Chick took a blank card from a tray and wrote a fictitious name on it.

00:15:40.513 --> 00:15:42.013
Adding that of a leading newspaper.

00:15:42.513 --> 00:15:44.072
Send this up to their suite, please.

00:15:44.253 --> 00:15:47.523
He requested, they may like to be mentioned in the society notes.

00:15:48.582 --> 00:15:50.493
Yes, certainly! Nodded the clerk.

00:15:50.942 --> 00:15:51.423

00:15:51.692 --> 00:15:52.533
To seven 10.

00:15:53.003 --> 00:15:57.832
If they are mentioned in the society notes I anticipate, however I'll wager they will not like it.

00:15:58.283 --> 00:15:59.212
Chick mentally added.

00:15:59.613 --> 00:16:02.852
The bell hop in blue and brass returned in a very few minutes.

00:16:03.363 --> 00:16:05.462
You are to come up, sir, he announced.

00:16:05.732 --> 00:16:06.692
This way, sir.

00:16:07.173 --> 00:16:08.523
Chick followed him to the elevator.

00:16:08.822 --> 00:16:11.043
They certainly apprehend nothing, he reasoned.

00:16:11.613 --> 00:16:19.832
They may, as Nick inferred, feel entirely safe from suspicion or absolutely sure that their identity and connection with the robbery can not be established.

00:16:20.293 --> 00:16:23.293
I'll wager however that I can take the wind out of their sails.

00:16:23.712 --> 00:16:27.283
If they don't weaken when they see me or betray some sign of recognition.

00:16:27.942 --> 00:16:31.072
Well, their nerve will surpass that of a wooden Indian.

00:16:31.582 --> 00:16:33.173
I'm dead sure I'm not mistaken.

00:16:33.562 --> 00:16:35.212
There is no mistaking that writing.

00:16:35.572 --> 00:16:40.763
They must be the suspected couple in spite of the clerk's statements about them, or I'm no judge of.

00:16:41.133 --> 00:16:44.643
Chick had arrived at the door of the suite and his train of thought ended.

00:16:45.143 --> 00:16:48.533
The page knocked on the door, then bowed and hurried away.

00:16:49.092 --> 00:16:50.602
A voice within called agreeably.

00:16:50.783 --> 00:16:51.413
Come in.

00:16:51.982 --> 00:16:57.572
Chick opened the door and was met in the entrance hall by an erect slender man in a plaid suit.

00:16:58.263 --> 00:17:00.873
His face was as fair and smooth as that of a girl.

00:17:01.442 --> 00:17:08.393
His skin was peculiarly clear and pale, though his complexion was dark and his eyes remarkably brilliant.

00:17:08.982 --> 00:17:10.722
Chick had staggered for a moment.

00:17:11.262 --> 00:17:14.952
His face was like that of Gerald Vaughn yet not like it.

00:17:15.492 --> 00:17:21.673
The flowing black mustache was gone and there was no sign of it nor of a beard through this man's clear white skin.

00:17:22.222 --> 00:17:29.843
It was too like the photographed face of Mortimer Deland, but that was so small as to preclude positive identification.

00:17:30.423 --> 00:17:42.722
What most amazed Chick, however, was the fact that he was received without the slightest sign of recognition, without the least betrayal of perturbation, despite that his visit could not possibly have been anticipated.

00:17:43.313 --> 00:17:48.022
For all this nevertheless Chick instantly came to one positive conclusion.

00:17:48.262 --> 00:17:49.133
A correct one.

00:17:49.702 --> 00:17:50.603
He's my man.

00:17:50.992 --> 00:17:51.923
Flashed through his mind.

00:17:52.222 --> 00:17:54.923
This is Gerald Vaughn and Mortimer Deland.

00:17:55.343 --> 00:17:56.573
I'd stake my life on it.

00:17:57.173 --> 00:17:59.093
While Chick was thus taking his measure.

00:17:59.343 --> 00:18:03.333
DeLand was approaching from an attractively furnished parlor, bowing and smiling.

00:18:03.942 --> 00:18:04.782
Walk in Mr.

00:18:04.782 --> 00:18:09.212
Alden said he glancing at the card that he still retained in his slender white hand.

00:18:09.772 --> 00:18:11.153
Walk in and have a chair.

00:18:11.573 --> 00:18:13.252
Let me introduce my wife, Mrs.

00:18:13.252 --> 00:18:13.853

00:18:14.452 --> 00:18:18.083
Chick again, was staggered even more staggered than before.

00:18:18.653 --> 00:18:22.093
The woman who arose to greet him was tall and fair.

00:18:22.762 --> 00:18:24.323
She was fashionably clad.

00:18:24.563 --> 00:18:25.702
Her eyes were blue.

00:18:26.093 --> 00:18:28.553
Her hair was a deep Auburn hue.

00:18:28.942 --> 00:18:30.563
Her smile was captivating.

00:18:30.923 --> 00:18:32.782
Her teeth were like pearls.

00:18:33.353 --> 00:18:37.673
She bore, not the slightest resemblance to Clarissa Vaughn.

00:18:38.182 --> 00:18:45.863
She was not even remotely suggestive of the black veil figure that had left the Barker residence that morning in company with Gerald Vaughn.

00:18:46.462 --> 00:18:47.663
Chick steadied himself.

00:18:48.143 --> 00:18:58.343
He realized on the instant that he was up against a man or couple fully as crafty, daring and farsighted as the letter left for Nick had implied.

00:18:58.932 --> 00:19:10.363
He realized too, in view of their absolute unconcern, that he had perhaps gone a step too far and that they might be prepared to foil the best work he could do at that time.

00:19:10.813 --> 00:19:23.462
For the recovery of the stolen Strickland treasures was of even greater importance to him in so far as the outcome of the case was concerned, than the positive identification and arrest of Mortimer Deland and his companion.

00:19:24.022 --> 00:19:28.313
That this woman was Fannie coil, however, chick felt reasonably sure.

00:19:28.732 --> 00:19:30.262
And again, he was right.

00:19:30.843 --> 00:19:32.762
I am very pleased to meet you, Mr.

00:19:32.762 --> 00:19:33.692
Alden, I'm sure.

00:19:34.073 --> 00:19:36.843
Said the woman smiling graciously and extending her hand.

00:19:37.403 --> 00:19:39.153
Thank you said Chick, bowing.

00:19:40.042 --> 00:19:40.732
Have a chair.

00:19:41.153 --> 00:19:41.962
Deland repeated.

00:19:42.442 --> 00:19:45.712
Your card states that you are a newspaper man, a reporter.

00:19:46.103 --> 00:19:48.803
Why, may I ask, have you favored us with a call?

00:19:49.222 --> 00:19:51.053
Am I to be subjected to an interview.

00:19:51.663 --> 00:19:52.923
Would you object to it?

00:19:53.603 --> 00:19:54.873
Chick enquired tentatively.

00:19:55.603 --> 00:19:57.752
Deland laughed slightly and displayed his teeth.

00:19:58.653 --> 00:19:59.522
Not at all.

00:19:59.762 --> 00:20:00.363
He replied.

00:20:00.813 --> 00:20:01.623
I would in fact.

00:20:02.042 --> 00:20:02.762
Rather like it.

00:20:03.242 --> 00:20:05.313
It would be amusing to see my name in print.

00:20:05.673 --> 00:20:10.532
I'll be glad to give you any information I possess on whatever subject I can enlighten you.

00:20:12.032 --> 00:20:12.932
That is very kind.

00:20:12.932 --> 00:20:13.232

00:20:13.232 --> 00:20:13.952
Vaughn, I'm sure.

00:20:14.032 --> 00:20:15.893
Said chick steadily eyeing him.

00:20:16.472 --> 00:20:19.103
Vaughn queried Deland with brows lifted.

00:20:20.002 --> 00:20:21.623
Fannie coil laughed audibly.

00:20:22.252 --> 00:20:23.452
Oh, pardon?

00:20:23.722 --> 00:20:25.222
I got my names mixed.

00:20:25.353 --> 00:20:29.633
Said chick dryly, observing that he had evoked no sign of apprehensions.

00:20:30.413 --> 00:20:36.593
I'm looking into a case of robbery committed in fifth avenue last night of which a man named Gerald Vaughn is suspected.

00:20:37.163 --> 00:20:38.393
Ah, I see.

00:20:38.752 --> 00:20:40.133
Deland exclaimed pleasantly.

00:20:40.492 --> 00:20:42.532
That is why you happen to call me by that name.

00:20:43.063 --> 00:20:43.903

00:20:44.432 --> 00:20:47.222
The mistake is quite pardonable Charles I'm sure.

00:20:47.357 --> 00:20:48.202
Remarked the woman.

00:20:48.692 --> 00:20:49.653
Yes, indeed.

00:20:49.813 --> 00:20:50.942
Deland bowed agreeably.

00:20:51.242 --> 00:20:52.623
We know of course that Mr.

00:20:52.623 --> 00:20:55.472
Alden has not called to interview us about a robbery.

00:20:55.972 --> 00:20:58.643
I should think not! That would be absurd.

00:20:59.163 --> 00:21:00.363
I'll leave it to you, Mr.

00:21:00.363 --> 00:21:00.752

00:21:01.282 --> 00:21:02.182
On the contrary, Mr.

00:21:02.212 --> 00:21:05.393
Brooks, that is the only reason why I've called said Chick.

00:21:05.972 --> 00:21:09.952
Ah, is it possible questioned Deland with unruffled suavity.

00:21:11.002 --> 00:21:12.843
Well, that does surprise me.

00:21:13.232 --> 00:21:15.032
What information do you expect from me?

00:21:15.563 --> 00:21:16.613
Any that you can give me.

00:21:17.153 --> 00:21:21.653
But I can not give you any insisted the land with a ripple of laughter.

00:21:22.462 --> 00:21:25.853
I know nothing about the case nor the person you have mentioned.

00:21:26.333 --> 00:21:28.042
What led you to infer that I do?

00:21:28.633 --> 00:21:30.913
Chick abruptly decided on another tack.

00:21:31.442 --> 00:21:35.012
Only because Vaughn is known to be a resident of Washington, said he.

00:21:35.462 --> 00:21:41.673
Observing on the hotel register that you dwell in that city, I thought you might possibly know of him or have heard of him.

00:21:42.303 --> 00:21:43.143
If you do not.

00:21:43.383 --> 00:21:45.182
Let me assure you at once Mr.

00:21:45.182 --> 00:21:46.292
Alden on that point.

00:21:46.442 --> 00:21:47.673
Deland put in smiling.

00:21:48.153 --> 00:21:49.472
I have never heard of him.

00:21:49.982 --> 00:21:52.692
Nor I, Charles I'm sure, observed the woman.

00:21:53.238 --> 00:21:55.593
Lest you may entertain any erroneous suspicions.

00:21:55.623 --> 00:21:55.952

00:21:55.952 --> 00:21:58.653
Alden, let me call up the proprietor of the hotel.

00:21:58.742 --> 00:22:00.843
Deland added, rising to go to the telephone.

00:22:01.212 --> 00:22:02.383
He knows me quite well.

00:22:02.712 --> 00:22:03.762
He will vouch for me.

00:22:03.942 --> 00:22:07.242
He will assure you that I am entirely veracious and.

00:22:07.423 --> 00:22:07.992

00:22:08.442 --> 00:22:10.512
Chick checked him with a gesture, rising to go.

00:22:10.853 --> 00:22:11.893
Do nothing of the kind.

00:22:12.192 --> 00:22:13.093
Your word alone.

00:22:13.123 --> 00:22:13.393

00:22:13.393 --> 00:22:14.653
Brooks is quite sufficient.

00:22:15.133 --> 00:22:18.492
I had not the slightest idea that you know anything about the robbery.

00:22:18.853 --> 00:22:21.762
I thought merely that you might know Vaughn or have heard of him.

00:22:22.272 --> 00:22:22.903
I do not.

00:22:22.903 --> 00:22:23.202

00:22:23.202 --> 00:22:24.133
Alden, I assure you.

00:22:24.623 --> 00:22:25.972
I am now convinced of that.

00:22:26.272 --> 00:22:27.772
And I am sorry I troubled you.

00:22:28.323 --> 00:22:30.992
No trouble, whatever said Deland, extending his hand.

00:22:31.472 --> 00:22:34.202
I am on the contrary very pleased we met you.

00:22:34.532 --> 00:22:36.363
Such episodes really amuse me.

00:22:36.813 --> 00:22:38.222
I hope to meet you again, Mr.

00:22:38.222 --> 00:22:38.613

00:22:39.212 --> 00:22:40.593
We shall meet again all right.

00:22:40.923 --> 00:22:43.113
Chick said grimly to himself after departing.

00:22:43.442 --> 00:22:44.762
We shall meet again, Mr.

00:22:44.762 --> 00:22:48.365
Deland, and I'll then fit bracelets on your slender white wrists.

00:22:48.665 --> 00:22:49.336
Bluff me eh?

00:22:49.806 --> 00:22:51.096
Give me the laugh, will you?

00:22:51.516 --> 00:22:53.945
I'll cram all that down your throat a little later.

00:22:54.455 --> 00:22:55.806
At the same time by Jove.

00:22:56.076 --> 00:23:03.665
I give you credit for more nerve and audacity than any rascal I have recently met, but I'll get you all right at the proper time.

00:23:04.276 --> 00:23:07.816
Chick had only one reason for not arresting Deland then and there.

00:23:08.266 --> 00:23:23.135
The attitude of the rascal together with the assurance he had displayed, convinced Chick that the stolen property had been disposed of in some locality felt to be perfectly safe and that its recovery might be perverted by the immediate arrest of this couple.

00:23:23.685 --> 00:23:25.185
I'll wait a while and watch them.

00:23:25.365 --> 00:23:27.586
He said to himself while returning to the elevator.

00:23:28.046 --> 00:23:31.165
I know that I have given them a fright, despite the coolness of both.

00:23:31.496 --> 00:23:34.675
And they surely will make some move that will put me in right.

00:23:35.175 --> 00:23:37.215
Apprehending that it might be made immediately.

00:23:37.516 --> 00:23:42.586
Chick found concealment under the rise of stairs from which he could see the door of suite 10.

00:23:43.145 --> 00:23:47.935
He waited and watched for more than an hour, but no one left or visited the suite.

00:23:48.246 --> 00:23:51.395
And then he returned to the hotel office and talked with the proprietor.

00:23:52.266 --> 00:23:54.905
The latter confirmed the statements already made by the clerk.

00:23:55.145 --> 00:24:01.415
That the couple had been occasional guests of the house during several months and were supposed to be reputable, Washington people.

00:24:01.746 --> 00:24:04.266
Beyond that, however, he knew nothing about them.

00:24:04.826 --> 00:24:07.955
Deland is crafty thought Chick after the interview.

00:24:08.226 --> 00:24:16.026
He wanted to establish someplace to which he could flee if necessary divested of the disguise he had been wearing in the character of Gerald Vaughn.

00:24:16.445 --> 00:24:20.645
And where his pretensions would be backed up in a measure by the hotel proprietor.

00:24:20.955 --> 00:24:24.346
That has been his object in coming here occasionally with Fanny Coyle.

00:24:24.665 --> 00:24:27.276
But what has become of the dark woman I saw last night.

00:24:27.786 --> 00:24:31.056
It was she who left the Barker residence with Deland this morning.

00:24:32.496 --> 00:24:33.576
By Jove, I have it.

00:24:34.115 --> 00:24:36.036
Fanny Coyle was the housekeeper.

00:24:36.326 --> 00:24:39.026
She has been stopping here ever since her pretended death.

00:24:39.566 --> 00:24:42.205
I'll have the entire gang too, before I quit this trail.

00:24:42.715 --> 00:24:44.516
Chick continued to wait and watch.

00:24:45.086 --> 00:24:49.736
Twice he telephone home to communicate with Nick or Patsy, but neither of them had returned.

00:24:50.125 --> 00:24:52.705
And he decided to continue playing a lone hand.

00:24:53.355 --> 00:25:01.185
The afternoon waned and early evening came and Chick could see from the street that the windows of suite 710, were brightly lighted.

00:25:01.846 --> 00:25:05.806
He felt reasonably sure that neither of its occupants had departed.

00:25:06.296 --> 00:25:08.756
Returning to the hotel office, about seven o'clock.

00:25:08.996 --> 00:25:15.296
He heard the ringing of the telephone bell, and then the voice of the clerk addressing a hallboy, just approaching from a side corridor.

00:25:15.816 --> 00:25:17.875
It's 710 called the clerk.

00:25:18.026 --> 00:25:19.016
A taxi is wanted.

00:25:19.516 --> 00:25:21.195
Mullen is at the side door, sir.

00:25:21.465 --> 00:25:22.385
Replied the hallboy.

00:25:22.965 --> 00:25:23.506
Good enough.

00:25:23.955 --> 00:25:24.885
Tell him to wait there.

00:25:25.395 --> 00:25:26.086
All right, sir.

00:25:26.625 --> 00:25:28.846
Chick Carter had pricked up his ears.

00:25:28.986 --> 00:25:30.756
And his eyes were glowing, more brightly.

00:25:31.546 --> 00:25:32.336
A taxi, eh.

00:25:32.816 --> 00:25:34.546
He muttered heading for the side door.

00:25:34.865 --> 00:25:36.296
By the rats in 710, eh?

00:25:36.605 --> 00:25:38.195
By JoVE here's my chance.

00:25:38.435 --> 00:25:39.576
It's Mullen for mine.

00:25:41.125 --> 00:25:44.266
What has Chick got planned for the supposed Charles F.

00:25:44.266 --> 00:25:46.165
Brooks and wife from Washington?

00:25:46.645 --> 00:25:50.846
Are they really, as chick suspects, Mortimer, Deland, and Fanny Coyle?

00:25:51.355 --> 00:25:53.516
And why didn't they recognize Chick?

00:25:54.056 --> 00:26:02.756
We'll answer these and other questions in the final thrilling episode of the mask of death or Nick Carter's curious case.

00:26:04.405 --> 00:26:04.855

00:26:05.276 --> 00:26:07.076
This story is getting better and better.

00:26:07.076 --> 00:26:07.766
Don't you think?

00:26:08.006 --> 00:26:08.786
I sure do.

00:26:09.266 --> 00:26:14.486
And if you agree with me, Well, why not help me out a bit and become a monthly supporter of the show.

00:26:15.236 --> 00:26:17.875
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00:26:18.266 --> 00:26:21.836
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00:26:22.105 --> 00:26:26.425
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00:26:26.996 --> 00:26:34.586
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00:26:35.006 --> 00:26:40.135
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00:26:40.635 --> 00:26:50.955
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00:26:51.526 --> 00:26:59.415
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00:26:59.776 --> 00:27:01.635
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00:27:13.996 --> 00:27:17.925
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00:27:18.526 --> 00:27:20.865
And there I go rambling again.

00:27:21.165 --> 00:27:21.615

00:27:22.215 --> 00:27:23.625
I've got to stop doing that.

00:27:24.766 --> 00:27:26.895
All right friends until next time.

00:27:27.346 --> 00:27:28.486
Thanks for listening.

00:27:28.695 --> 00:27:33.375
Keep sharing the stories and be a good human.

00:27:34.455 --> 00:27:35.836
Bye for now.


Oct. 19, 2022

The Tell-Tale Heart

Send us a Text Message. Just in time for the halloween season, I present to you - Edgar Allan Poe's classic gothic nightmare: The Tell-Tale Heart Theme written by Bernard Kyer for this podcast. Follow the link for more info. …

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