Keeping the Past alive, One Story at a Time
Aug. 4, 2022

Nick Carter's Ghost Story, Pt 5

Nick Carter's Ghost Story, Pt 5

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And now we arrive at the Finale to Nick Carter's Ghost Story. How are the jewels being stolen? Who is behind this? Is it actually a ghost? Tune in and find out in the last episode of this classic tale of suspense!

Theme written by Bernard Kyer for this podcast. Follow the link for more info.

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00:00:00.390 --> 00:00:01.139
Hi everyone.

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And welcome back to forward into the past.

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I'm Jacey your host and narrator, and today we're finishing off the final chapters of the mystery of Nick Carter's ghost story, which was written way back in 1894 exactly as it appeared in the New York Weekly published by street and Smith.

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And one of the things that fascinates me as a storyteller and history buff is the use of language in whatever story I'm reading.

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It gives me a clue as to who these characters might've been within their society.

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Now when I first started reading the Nick Carter mysteries, I approached him as a no-nonsense typical New York detective.

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But as I did more research and really got to know the character, the evolution of the character's voice became quite clear.

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As a well-educated high society man in New York, just before the turn of the 20th century.

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Nick Carter would have had an almost British sounding cadence to his speech.

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During this time in the United States, we had a very amicable relationship with great Britain.

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And of course in the late 18 hundreds, both countries were in the midst of the Victorian era.

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The U S having just ended the civil war.

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It was a time for redefining who we were as a country and as a society.

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There was a very strong push by new England to usher in an age of reason and science to the point of trying to demolish any and all forms of light entertainment that didn't fall under the umbrella of quote unquote, proper.

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One of the major issues they had was in the world of literature.

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You see.

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The proper literature was written by authors that had been accepted in both British and American elite.

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And educated circles.

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Any other stories were seen as junk.

00:02:01.379 --> 00:02:06.989
However, because of the industrial revolution, which happened at the same time as Victorian life.

00:02:07.439 --> 00:02:12.120
The lower classes were becoming more educated and wanted more things to read.

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Even though they might not comprehend it fully.

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This is where the dime novels came in to fill that need in the common life.

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Now true important literature, which was published by legitimate publishers with leather book covers and proper binding.

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Cost upwards of one to$2, a veritable fortune in those days, especially when one lived in less than adequate surroundings and personal effects were often burgled.

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Dime novels on the other hand, provided working class folks with simple to understand stories for about five to 10 cents.

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Quite a bit of difference.

00:02:53.969 --> 00:03:04.860
Story papers and penny dreadfuls in the UK, provided the same stories and usually a great variety in a weekly format for about the same price.

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As we've learned.

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Many of the dime novels had stories that originally appeared in the story papers first and then were compiled into dime novels that were a bit more permanent and could be carried in pockets or pocket books.

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So as I discovered more and more about class distinctions and styles, The more.

00:03:26.219 --> 00:03:40.229
I realized that Nick Carter, who was very well off and very well-educated would speak more in line with his British counterparts than he would with the workaday classes, that teemed the streets of New York.

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And with that I offer to you my dear listeners, the exciting conclusion of Nick Carter's ghost story.

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In our last episode, our Intrepid detective Nick Carter, disguised himself as one of Colonel Richmond staff in order to gain access to the house without being spotted.

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While accompanying the Colonel.

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Nick and his assistant Patsy were confronted by what seemed to be the ghost of Colonel Richmond sister Levina.

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While trying to capture the person behind what he believed to be a hoax.

00:04:15.800 --> 00:04:20.540
Nick was hit with a sandbag and knocked out until the next morning.

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Upon coming to Nick decides upon a plan to convince Colonel Richmond that it is not an actual ghost stealing the jewels.

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Or else he will succumb to the Colonel's belief in the other world.

00:04:35.180 --> 00:04:37.069
Who is behind everything?

00:04:37.670 --> 00:04:39.649
How are the jewels being stolen?

00:04:40.220 --> 00:04:45.110
And will our hero abandoned his belief that ghosts are not real.

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Well, let's find out as we go forward into the past.

00:04:49.670 --> 00:04:50.449
Once again.

00:04:50.810 --> 00:04:54.259
And finish Nick Carter's ghost story.

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Chapter nine.

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The diamond clasp.

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They then left the room.

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Nick dispatched Patsy secretly to the Steven's house.

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Shortly before noon, Colonel Richmond.

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Horace and Nick took a train for the city.

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At two o'clock they entered the vault of the safe deposit company.

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It is a long room below the level of the street.

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The walls are lined with metal drawers fastened by locks of the most approved pattern.

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The drawers near the floor are the largest.

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They are perhaps a foot square as seen when closed.

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Near the top of the room.

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They are much smaller.

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A movable metal step ladder stands ready for the convenience of those who wish to reach the boxes on the upper tiers.

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The space in the middle of the room is railed off and there sits a guard day and night.

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This is ours, said the Colonel advancing toward one of the larger drawers.

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I placed the diamond clasp on the very top of the pile of jewels within.

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It was in a case of its own.

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Nick turned to speak to the officer in charge.

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He questioned him regarding the possibility of any person taking anything from the boxes.

00:06:06.180 --> 00:06:09.149
He asked, especially about the custody of Mrs.

00:06:09.149 --> 00:06:10.199
Pond's jewels.

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Colonel Richmond and Mrs.

00:06:11.860 --> 00:06:15.129
Ponds have the two keys necessary for the opening of the drawer.

00:06:15.519 --> 00:06:16.360
Said the official.

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Yes said Colonel Richmond speaking over his shoulder to Nick.

00:06:20.680 --> 00:06:22.269
I told you all about that.

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And I explained how the second key happened to be in my possession instead of Mrs.

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True said Nick apologetically.

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That was not what I was asking about.

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At that moment, he heard the click of the drawer as it was pulled open.

00:06:37.050 --> 00:06:38.120
Here, wait for me.

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He cried.

00:06:38.930 --> 00:06:39.980
I should see everything.

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As he stepped forward, Horace Richmond was just closing the little case, which had held the diamond clasp.

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The Colonel was turning away.

00:06:48.269 --> 00:06:49.980
I am deeply disappointed.

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He said, The clasp is there.

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As the Colonel walked away with bowed head, Nick turned to Horace.

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The young man's face was a study.

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He looked as if he had seen a graveyard full of ghosts.

00:07:03.670 --> 00:07:04.360
Nick Carter.

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He whispered.

00:07:05.790 --> 00:07:07.199
This is dreadful.

00:07:07.600 --> 00:07:07.959

00:07:08.435 --> 00:07:10.269
Hush! I had to fool him.

00:07:10.810 --> 00:07:13.389
I positively had to, or he would have gone crazy.

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He poured the words into Nick's ear in an excited whisper.

00:07:17.129 --> 00:07:19.889
I made him think the clasp was in the box, but it isn't.

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I substituted another piece.

00:07:22.100 --> 00:07:23.329
The clasp is gone.

00:07:23.899 --> 00:07:25.009
What shall we do?

00:07:25.490 --> 00:07:26.870
He showed Nick the box.

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It contained nothing.

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Horace had removed the piece, which he had used in the deception.

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Good heavens cried Horace.

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He heard me.

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He pointed to the Colonel who stood like one who has been struck upon the head.

00:07:39.540 --> 00:07:40.019
Go on.

00:07:40.019 --> 00:07:41.579
He cried, rushing toward them.

00:07:41.790 --> 00:07:42.959
You deceived me.

00:07:43.459 --> 00:07:47.540
Well, they searched the drawer and the clasp certainly was not there.

00:07:47.939 --> 00:07:54.689
Horace explained how he had deceived the Colonel by quickly putting another piece of jewelry into the little case when he found it empty.

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I am clever at slight of hand said he or I could never have worked it.

00:08:00.189 --> 00:08:04.389
I just flashed it before your eyes Uncle and made you think that you saw the clasp.

00:08:04.870 --> 00:08:05.500
Forgive me.

00:08:05.740 --> 00:08:07.269
I thought it was the best.

00:08:07.819 --> 00:08:09.290
I will forgive you Horace.

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Said Colonel Richmond gently.

00:08:11.509 --> 00:08:14.959
But now you must believe and you too, Mr.

00:08:14.959 --> 00:08:17.209
Carter here is proof positive.

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They locked the drawer and left the vault.

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In the antechamber, Nick turned to Horace.

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I suppose you'll want to knock my head off when I tell you what I now propose to do said the detective.

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But I think it ought to be done.

00:08:31.040 --> 00:08:31.759
What is it?

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asked Horace.

00:08:33.389 --> 00:08:35.039
I think you ought to be searched.

00:08:35.440 --> 00:08:37.720
Exactly my own idea said, Horace.

00:08:38.169 --> 00:08:39.399
It is only fair to you.

00:08:39.580 --> 00:08:40.120

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Nick searched him.

00:08:42.080 --> 00:08:44.269
The diamond clasp was not found.

00:08:44.809 --> 00:08:46.759
Horace certainly did not have it.

00:08:47.259 --> 00:08:48.610
I hope you're satisfied.

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He said to Nick, you know, perfectly well that I have had no opportunity to dispose of it.

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There wasn't much chance in that vault.

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Nick laughed.

00:08:59.450 --> 00:09:00.320
I should say not.

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He replied.

00:09:01.779 --> 00:09:04.559
I'm afraid we shall have to fall back upon the theory of the Colonel.

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No theory cried he, but the living truth.

00:09:08.539 --> 00:09:10.850
And now proven before you both.

00:09:11.240 --> 00:09:13.070
But let me ask Mr.

00:09:13.070 --> 00:09:16.610
Carter, why you suspected my nephew of taking the clasp.

00:09:17.049 --> 00:09:17.590
I didn't.

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Replied Nick promptly.

00:09:19.629 --> 00:09:21.970
I searched him in order to remove every possibility.

00:09:22.215 --> 00:09:24.975
Well, surely he would have had no motive of such an action.

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None that I can see said Nick with perfect sincerity.

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They proceeded at once to Mrs.

00:09:30.355 --> 00:09:31.225
Steven's house.

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It was about seven o'clock when they arrived.

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They drove up from the station and on the way picked up Patsy.

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During the remainder of the drive, he was busy communicating with Nick in their sign language.

00:09:42.934 --> 00:09:43.174

00:09:43.174 --> 00:09:45.274
Stevens is in her room, said, Patsy.

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She has had a doctor with her almost all the time.

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He refuses to say anything.

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I believe upon my soul that I shot her last night.

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Annie O'Neill the servant answered the bell.

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She ushered them into the parlor and said that Mrs.

00:10:00.404 --> 00:10:03.465
Stevens was in the room of her daughter who was quite ill.

00:10:03.860 --> 00:10:06.085
Annie went upstairs to summit her mistress.

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A minute later, the party below heard a scream.

00:10:10.504 --> 00:10:11.075
Then Mrs.

00:10:11.075 --> 00:10:11.914
Stevens appeared.

00:10:12.365 --> 00:10:13.654
She was very pale.

00:10:14.034 --> 00:10:17.725
In her hand, she held a small object wrapped in paper.

00:10:18.325 --> 00:10:21.504
I have just found this upon my daughter's pillow.

00:10:21.894 --> 00:10:27.274
She said, I have not removed the paper, but I know instinctively what's within.

00:10:27.674 --> 00:10:29.684
It is another jewel.

00:10:30.105 --> 00:10:31.365
I am equally sure of it.

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Cried the colonel, open the package, Mrs.

00:10:33.735 --> 00:10:34.215

00:10:34.514 --> 00:10:37.664
Oh, my hand trembles so, the lady began.

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Don't open it now said, Nick, wait a moment.

00:10:41.375 --> 00:10:42.634
I have a suggestion to make.

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And at any rate, we all know what is within.

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Colonel Richmond.

00:10:48.090 --> 00:10:50.730
I suppose it is useless to plead with you further.

00:10:51.960 --> 00:10:52.950
Quite useless.

00:10:53.250 --> 00:10:54.000
Said the Colonel.

00:10:54.539 --> 00:10:56.429
Millie shall have all the jewels.

00:10:56.789 --> 00:11:00.629
I am determined to buy them of my daughter and make the transfer at once.

00:11:01.120 --> 00:11:04.090
Well, I am beaten, said the detective.

00:11:04.720 --> 00:11:05.980
The case has gone against me.

00:11:06.549 --> 00:11:08.860
But I will still try to help you.

00:11:09.490 --> 00:11:12.460
I wish to call your attention to the legal aspects of this case.

00:11:12.759 --> 00:11:17.320
They may surprise you, but before going further, I think you should know them.

00:11:18.100 --> 00:11:21.940
You will not accept my authority if I state the facts as they are.

00:11:23.049 --> 00:11:23.500

00:11:23.500 --> 00:11:23.950

00:11:24.519 --> 00:11:28.840
Is it not true that you have one of the judges of the Supreme court as your neighbor?

00:11:29.240 --> 00:11:30.350
Uh, yes.

00:11:30.870 --> 00:11:33.559
Judge Lorrimer is our next neighbor to the south.

00:11:34.009 --> 00:11:36.320
Will you kindly send your servant to his house?

00:11:36.769 --> 00:11:38.269
Or perhaps.

00:11:38.929 --> 00:11:40.070
He glanced at Horace.

00:11:40.490 --> 00:11:41.029
All right.

00:11:41.200 --> 00:11:41.779
I'll go.

00:11:42.110 --> 00:11:42.679
Said Horace.

00:11:43.129 --> 00:11:44.179
I know the judge.

00:11:44.600 --> 00:11:46.879
But I don't see what you are driving at Mr.

00:11:46.879 --> 00:11:47.259

00:11:47.759 --> 00:11:52.100
I want to persuade Colonel Richmond to get the law in the case before he goes further.

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He should consult an authority about the transfer before he makes any more promises, which may or may not be legally good.

00:11:59.940 --> 00:12:03.299
I think it a good idea said Colonel Richmond, Horace.

00:12:03.659 --> 00:12:05.129
Go over to the judge's house.

00:12:06.629 --> 00:12:09.559
During the interval while he was gone, very little was done.

00:12:09.960 --> 00:12:10.350

00:12:10.350 --> 00:12:13.980
Stevens sat holding the package and apparently deeply moved.

00:12:14.320 --> 00:12:20.049
She several times declared to Colonel Richmond that she did not wish her daughter to get the jewels in such a way.

00:12:20.350 --> 00:12:27.759
And that she was still convinced that human beings had planned and executed the whole strange series of robberies and surprises.

00:12:28.220 --> 00:12:32.299
If it should prove said, Nick, that this is a conspiracy.

00:12:32.750 --> 00:12:34.159
Do you wish any arrests?

00:12:34.600 --> 00:12:36.460
He turned toward the Colonel as he spoke.

00:12:36.919 --> 00:12:39.350
If it does said the Colonel with a smile.

00:12:39.590 --> 00:12:41.090
You can arrest me.

00:12:41.539 --> 00:12:42.139
It won't.

00:12:42.649 --> 00:12:43.940
But I am serious.

00:12:44.409 --> 00:12:45.250
So am I.

00:12:45.820 --> 00:12:47.529
Of course if there had been a crime.

00:12:47.799 --> 00:12:50.620
I would not shield the guilty parties, whomever.

00:12:50.620 --> 00:12:51.399
They might be.

00:12:51.860 --> 00:12:57.379
At that moment, Horace returned with judge Lorimer, whom he had met walking just beyond Mrs.

00:12:57.379 --> 00:12:58.279
Stevens grounds.

00:12:58.759 --> 00:13:00.799
I have tried to explain the case to him.

00:13:01.279 --> 00:13:06.830
Said Horace, but he said he doesn't understand how any legal complications can arise.

00:13:07.309 --> 00:13:10.320
We will try to make that clear presently said Nick.

00:13:10.720 --> 00:13:11.139

00:13:11.139 --> 00:13:11.559

00:13:11.919 --> 00:13:12.850
Open that package?

00:13:13.029 --> 00:13:14.470
No, wait a moment.

00:13:14.950 --> 00:13:16.029
You are agitated.

00:13:16.509 --> 00:13:17.950
You should have a glass of water.

00:13:18.730 --> 00:13:19.720
Permit me to ring.

00:13:20.210 --> 00:13:21.720
He put his hand upon the bell cord.

00:13:22.200 --> 00:13:23.429
As he did so, Mrs.

00:13:23.429 --> 00:13:27.870
Stephens opened the package, the article within rolled out upon her lap.

00:13:28.379 --> 00:13:33.210
It was not the diamond clasp, but an ordinary pocket knife of large size.

00:13:33.659 --> 00:13:35.490
Why Nick it's yours.

00:13:35.700 --> 00:13:36.509
Cried Patsy.

00:13:36.799 --> 00:13:37.730
So it is.

00:13:38.149 --> 00:13:41.960
Responded the detective, but this is a diamond clasp.

00:13:42.460 --> 00:13:47.710
He drew the Relic of the third crusade from his pocket as he spoke and handed it to the Colonel.

00:13:48.220 --> 00:13:51.700
At that moment Annie O'Neill appeared at the door in answer to the bell.

00:13:52.190 --> 00:13:58.399
And now said Nick, while the others stared in wonder, we will consider the legal points involved.

00:13:58.940 --> 00:13:59.480
Judge Lorimer.

00:14:00.110 --> 00:14:02.210
Here are the necessary blank forms.

00:14:02.600 --> 00:14:08.480
Please grant me warrants for the arrest of Horace Richmond and Annie O'Neil for criminal conspiracy.

00:14:11.149 --> 00:14:14.269
Chapter 10, some clever tricks explained.

00:14:15.269 --> 00:14:20.129
No sooner had Nick uttered these words than a loud cry rang through the house.

00:14:20.669 --> 00:14:24.029
Instantly Millie Stevens appeared upon the threshold of the parlor.

00:14:24.429 --> 00:14:25.059

00:14:25.120 --> 00:14:25.870
She cried.

00:14:26.139 --> 00:14:27.610
Tell me it is not true.

00:14:27.789 --> 00:14:29.350
You have not done this.

00:14:29.690 --> 00:14:31.429
Certainly not he exclaimed.

00:14:31.820 --> 00:14:33.259
It is an absurd slander.

00:14:33.629 --> 00:14:35.779
Carter, you will be sorry for this.

00:14:36.269 --> 00:14:38.850
The girl looked straight into Horace's face for an instant.

00:14:39.240 --> 00:14:40.950
Then she uttered a moan.

00:14:41.429 --> 00:14:42.750
He is guilty.

00:14:42.779 --> 00:14:43.440
She cried.

00:14:43.500 --> 00:14:45.029
I can read it in his eyes.

00:14:45.450 --> 00:14:47.399
And I loved him so.

00:14:47.830 --> 00:14:50.049
She sank upon the floor at her mother's feet.

00:14:50.529 --> 00:14:52.360
Oh mother, she said.

00:14:52.690 --> 00:14:54.669
This is a just punishment for me.

00:14:55.149 --> 00:14:56.860
You told me, I must give him up.

00:14:57.220 --> 00:14:58.419
You read his heart.

00:14:59.080 --> 00:15:01.899
But I secretly accepted his love.

00:15:01.990 --> 00:15:05.320
I received letters in which he begged me to keep our love a secret.

00:15:05.679 --> 00:15:08.379
And in which I should have read a confession of guilt.

00:15:08.919 --> 00:15:14.769
And all the time he loved me only because he thought that I should have a fortune in gold and diamonds.

00:15:15.200 --> 00:15:17.960
You have stated the case exactly said Nick.

00:15:18.429 --> 00:15:22.000
When he thought that you would inherit all those jewels, he made love to you.

00:15:22.419 --> 00:15:24.870
Heaven knows that your own attraction should have been enough.

00:15:25.200 --> 00:15:27.269
But they were not for him.

00:15:27.730 --> 00:15:29.190
When the jewels went elsewhere.

00:15:29.490 --> 00:15:31.710
He was probably on the point of giving you up.

00:15:32.200 --> 00:15:37.330
I judge that from certain letters of yours in that Telegraph cipher, which I found in his room.

00:15:37.669 --> 00:15:40.429
Then he wormed his plan for making you rich.

00:15:40.830 --> 00:15:48.480
He managed the robberies at the house with the aid of John Gilder and one or two of that spiritualistic gang, whom he smuggled into the house.

00:15:49.139 --> 00:15:51.539
He did everything to increase his uncle's delusion.

00:15:52.110 --> 00:15:54.090
It was he who put Colonel Richmond.

00:15:54.419 --> 00:15:56.399
Again, in the hands of that medium.

00:15:56.879 --> 00:16:00.600
I supposed that after that affair was all over said, Mrs.

00:16:00.600 --> 00:16:00.990

00:16:01.320 --> 00:16:03.840
Both the Colonel and I had disapproved of it.

00:16:04.259 --> 00:16:06.639
Annie O'Neil said Nick turning to the servant.

00:16:07.120 --> 00:16:09.549
A full confession from you is what we now require.

00:16:09.879 --> 00:16:11.379
It may save you from prison.

00:16:12.100 --> 00:16:14.889
We know that you managed the affair from this end.

00:16:15.429 --> 00:16:20.559
It was you who put the jewels where they were found after they had been given to you by Horace.

00:16:21.009 --> 00:16:25.600
It was you Catch her! This last exclamation was addressed to Patsy.

00:16:25.879 --> 00:16:27.919
The girl was wavering as if she would fall.

00:16:28.450 --> 00:16:29.889
Before Patsy could reach her.

00:16:29.980 --> 00:16:31.809
She sank, sobbing to the floor.

00:16:32.379 --> 00:16:41.230
She proceeded to pour out an incoherent confession in which little was clear, but the name of Horace Richmond and the fact that the girl loved him still.

00:16:41.710 --> 00:16:45.090
I've been waiting for this said Horace with a brutal sneer.

00:16:45.600 --> 00:16:47.610
Trust the woman and lose the game.

00:16:47.970 --> 00:16:49.379
Well, it's all up.

00:16:49.889 --> 00:16:53.309
I loved you, Millie, but not enough to marry you without the jewels.

00:16:53.519 --> 00:16:57.269
So I schemed for the transfer and I have failed.

00:16:57.759 --> 00:17:00.639
It was Annie O'Neil whom followed you last night, Patsy.

00:17:00.809 --> 00:17:01.350
said Nick.

00:17:01.809 --> 00:17:02.669
Now, who was the man?

00:17:03.100 --> 00:17:04.240
John Gilder.

00:17:04.630 --> 00:17:05.940
Gasped the terrified girl.

00:17:06.369 --> 00:17:07.869
And you played the ghost.

00:17:08.250 --> 00:17:08.910
Yes, sir.

00:17:09.329 --> 00:17:14.579
But how about my shooting asked Patsy, how does Annie O'Neal happen to be alive?

00:17:15.039 --> 00:17:17.079
Uh, huh, read that from chick.

00:17:17.470 --> 00:17:18.940
Said Nick producing a paper.

00:17:19.359 --> 00:17:23.019
He's made some discoveries in the Colonel's house today while we were all away.

00:17:23.529 --> 00:17:24.880
He's found the ghost.

00:17:25.390 --> 00:17:28.569
It seems that this girl was inside of a hollow dummy.

00:17:29.259 --> 00:17:31.059
She stood over a trap door.

00:17:31.690 --> 00:17:35.980
Just as soon as she had shown her face, she dropped the veil and went through the trap.

00:17:36.470 --> 00:17:39.799
The dummy still continued to stand there and you shot at it.

00:17:40.329 --> 00:17:42.829
Two of your bullets flattened on it's steel braces.

00:17:43.130 --> 00:17:44.450
The rest went through.

00:17:45.259 --> 00:17:47.089
John Gilder flashed the light.

00:17:47.660 --> 00:17:54.920
When he turned it off, the dummy was hauled down through the trap and hidden in a place that neither you nor I found Patsy.

00:17:55.470 --> 00:17:57.359
Colonel Richmond seemed to be in a trance.

00:17:57.809 --> 00:18:01.650
Uh, but the mysterious force, he said at last.

00:18:01.980 --> 00:18:04.680
The injury to yourself and your assistant.

00:18:05.130 --> 00:18:06.329
How do you explain that?

00:18:06.809 --> 00:18:13.859
It was done by John Gilder swinging a sandbag on a string at the end of a pole, which he poked through one of the panels.

00:18:14.130 --> 00:18:17.670
It couldn't be seen in that dim light and it made a fearful weapon.

00:18:18.089 --> 00:18:20.160
It's a wonder that he didn't knock our heads off.

00:18:20.599 --> 00:18:23.720
I thought that I heard something whiz, muttered, Patsy.

00:18:24.119 --> 00:18:29.529
And yet I heard her voice this morning said the Colonel, she said consent.

00:18:29.930 --> 00:18:30.890
No, she didn't.

00:18:31.160 --> 00:18:31.880
I said it.

00:18:31.880 --> 00:18:32.900
I rejoined Nick.

00:18:33.410 --> 00:18:35.059
I'm something of a ventriloquist.

00:18:35.470 --> 00:18:38.259
How was the affair managed at the safe deposit vault?

00:18:38.680 --> 00:18:40.480
Ask the Colonel after a pause.

00:18:41.299 --> 00:18:45.400
Why, Horace took the clasp out of the box and put it in your pocket.

00:18:46.000 --> 00:18:46.990
You really saw it.

00:18:47.289 --> 00:18:49.960
Only he made you think afterward that you didn't.

00:18:50.460 --> 00:18:53.880
After I searched him, he picked your pocket and got the clasp.

00:18:54.390 --> 00:18:55.799
Then he wrapped it in paper.

00:18:56.700 --> 00:19:00.569
I picked his pocket to make matters even, and substituted my knife.

00:19:00.690 --> 00:19:01.980
Similarly wrapped up.

00:19:02.759 --> 00:19:07.029
When we got to this house, he gave the knife to Annie O'Neill who put it on Ms.

00:19:07.029 --> 00:19:10.150
Stephen's pillow when she went upstairs to call Mrs.

00:19:10.150 --> 00:19:10.809

00:19:11.230 --> 00:19:14.049
You have not explained the robberies at my house.

00:19:14.319 --> 00:19:15.250
Said Colonel Richmond.

00:19:15.609 --> 00:19:16.750
I'll do that over there.

00:19:17.349 --> 00:19:18.490
Is the rest of it clear.

00:19:19.029 --> 00:19:20.859
Has anybody a question to ask.

00:19:21.970 --> 00:19:22.839
Nobody spoke.

00:19:23.160 --> 00:19:24.990
Annie O'Neil said, Nick.

00:19:25.375 --> 00:19:27.130
I'll leave here in Patsy's charge.

00:19:27.650 --> 00:19:28.450
Horace Richmond.

00:19:28.839 --> 00:19:29.619
Come with us.

00:19:30.059 --> 00:19:31.640
Horace looked ugly for a moment.

00:19:31.910 --> 00:19:35.480
And then he calmed down and sullenly complied with Nick's order.

00:19:35.809 --> 00:19:41.779
Judge Lorimer begged to be of the party in order to see the explanation of the mysterious robberies of which he had heard.

00:19:42.250 --> 00:19:44.920
Two hours later, they all stood in Mrs.

00:19:44.920 --> 00:19:45.880
Pond's room.

00:19:46.289 --> 00:19:48.549
The essential part of this matter, said Nick.

00:19:49.049 --> 00:19:52.349
Was this door, which appeared to open and close of itself.

00:19:52.869 --> 00:19:56.190
I saw that at a glance and made a secret investigation.

00:19:57.009 --> 00:19:58.900
It is done by electricity.

00:19:59.829 --> 00:20:07.390
There is a magnet in the casing, which is powerful enough to swing the door to after which the same magnet pushes this little bolt.

00:20:07.779 --> 00:20:14.079
Which looks like an ordinary screw into position, and that holds the door, but not very steadily.

00:20:14.470 --> 00:20:19.299
You may say that this should have given me the criminal at once, but it didn't.

00:20:19.900 --> 00:20:20.349
You see.

00:20:20.799 --> 00:20:25.380
This electromagnet works whenever the current is turned into the wires.

00:20:25.920 --> 00:20:30.569
Horace was clever enough to have the wires lead all over the house.

00:20:30.990 --> 00:20:37.470
A connection with the electric light wires furnishing, the current can be made in almost every room of the house.

00:20:38.130 --> 00:20:38.730
Of course.

00:20:39.119 --> 00:20:44.069
I suspected Horace at once because his room was directly overhead.

00:20:44.519 --> 00:20:51.900
In fact, the two are connected as you see by a ventilator in the form of a pipe with a grated opening in each room.

00:20:52.339 --> 00:20:54.289
The grating here you see is open.

00:20:54.545 --> 00:20:55.684
But bless me.

00:20:56.015 --> 00:20:57.214
Exclaim judge Lorimer.

00:20:57.515 --> 00:20:59.404
No thief could have come through such a place.

00:20:59.615 --> 00:21:01.295
Why it isn't six inches square.

00:21:01.795 --> 00:21:07.525
Ah, step in here in a minute and see said, Nick, and then he called out all ready chick.

00:21:07.974 --> 00:21:10.464
The whole party had by this time gone into Mrs.

00:21:10.464 --> 00:21:11.454
Pond's sitting room.

00:21:11.825 --> 00:21:14.615
Nick said hush and pointed to the ventilator.

00:21:15.214 --> 00:21:17.434
Most of the party could see it through the door.

00:21:18.365 --> 00:21:24.904
Instantly there appeared a mass of green feathers and then Horace Richmond's parrot fluttered.

00:21:24.904 --> 00:21:26.914
Noiselessly down into the room.

00:21:27.234 --> 00:21:29.634
For a minute or two, it ran around the floor.

00:21:29.934 --> 00:21:37.644
Then it flew up onto the dressing table, seized a small gold bar pin in its beak and flew back into the ventilator pipe.

00:21:38.075 --> 00:21:40.115
A nice trick said the detective.

00:21:40.654 --> 00:21:42.934
I believe it took you some time to teach the bird that.

00:21:43.424 --> 00:21:44.414
About a year.

00:21:44.684 --> 00:21:47.984
Growled Horace that bird was well-trained before.

00:21:48.384 --> 00:21:50.244
Is it all clear, said, Nick.

00:21:50.694 --> 00:21:51.295

00:21:51.345 --> 00:21:53.994
said the Colonel, but how did you get at it?

00:21:54.775 --> 00:21:55.555
Simply enough.

00:21:56.065 --> 00:21:59.555
There was only one way into this room when those robberies were committed.

00:21:59.914 --> 00:22:07.325
And the parrot was the only living thing in the house that was small enough to go through that pipe and intelligent enough to do the trick.

00:22:08.134 --> 00:22:11.734
You see, Horace had trained the bird to pick up bright objects.

00:22:12.065 --> 00:22:16.474
And especially articles of the color gold and to go up and down that pipe.

00:22:17.134 --> 00:22:20.255
Then he schemed to have your daughter come here.

00:22:20.855 --> 00:22:22.115
The rest was easy.

00:22:22.805 --> 00:22:28.565
He waited till she was in the farther room and then close the door between by the electrical device.

00:22:29.075 --> 00:22:31.384
Immediately, he sent down the parrot.

00:22:31.835 --> 00:22:36.994
The bird were so well-trained that he required only a minute or two to secure something.

00:22:37.654 --> 00:22:38.194
Of course.

00:22:38.494 --> 00:22:40.474
It was not always something of value.

00:22:41.015 --> 00:22:46.835
There were probably a dozen failures where the bird brought back nothing or some useless object that glittered.

00:22:47.335 --> 00:22:48.535
I suspected the bird.

00:22:48.775 --> 00:22:50.845
And so put chick on that lay.

00:22:51.305 --> 00:22:51.964
As you see.

00:22:52.384 --> 00:22:54.335
He has got the creature to work very well.

00:22:54.744 --> 00:22:57.325
Now Colonel, what more can I do for you?

00:22:57.865 --> 00:22:59.275
What shall be done with the prisoners?

00:22:59.724 --> 00:23:00.234

00:23:00.444 --> 00:23:01.674
I will not prosecute.

00:23:02.085 --> 00:23:05.384
I guess we can hush it up if you say so responded Nick.

00:23:05.805 --> 00:23:06.494
By the way.

00:23:06.795 --> 00:23:08.744
There's one thing that I want to explain.

00:23:09.375 --> 00:23:14.144
I mean, the strange appearance of that diamond pin in the box on the occasion of Mrs.

00:23:14.144 --> 00:23:15.285
Steven's first visit.

00:23:15.644 --> 00:23:18.134
It was not the real pen, but a duplicate.

00:23:18.434 --> 00:23:20.234
Which had been prepared in advance.

00:23:20.664 --> 00:23:23.565
Horace had put up that game as a finishing touch for his uncle.

00:23:24.105 --> 00:23:24.464

00:23:24.464 --> 00:23:29.234
Pond had forced Horace to go for me, but he wouldn't be scared out.

00:23:29.714 --> 00:23:31.934
He played the game right under my nose.

00:23:32.434 --> 00:23:34.565
Annie O'Neil had the duplicate pin.

00:23:35.015 --> 00:23:36.815
She opened that box while Mrs.

00:23:36.815 --> 00:23:41.525
Stevens was calling to her daughter as she testified and put the duplicate into it.

00:23:41.974 --> 00:23:44.525
Then she wrapped it up just as, before.

00:23:45.005 --> 00:23:47.494
So I won't have to give up the jewels.

00:23:47.674 --> 00:23:48.275
Said Mrs.

00:23:48.275 --> 00:23:48.615

00:23:49.055 --> 00:23:51.035
I'm afraid you will said Nick.

00:23:51.484 --> 00:23:53.224
The queerest part of the story is to come.

00:23:53.585 --> 00:23:56.914
Chick has found a later will by miss Levina Richmond.

00:23:57.335 --> 00:23:59.434
It is undoubtedly genuine.

00:23:59.765 --> 00:24:01.384
And where do you suppose it was found?

00:24:01.924 --> 00:24:03.724
The strangest of all places.

00:24:04.204 --> 00:24:05.855
In Horace Richmond's room.

00:24:06.335 --> 00:24:08.855
She died there, responded the Colonel.

00:24:09.105 --> 00:24:11.954
She must have hidden the will during her last illness.

00:24:12.404 --> 00:24:15.825
It is strange to think of Horace Richmond, struggling with that parrot.

00:24:16.095 --> 00:24:23.595
And putting up his elaborate schemes while the document, which would have given him all he wanted was hidden in his own room.

00:24:24.025 --> 00:24:26.214
Horace Richmond's face at that moment.

00:24:26.434 --> 00:24:27.894
was an amusing spectacle.

00:24:28.214 --> 00:24:29.115
So was Mrs.

00:24:29.115 --> 00:24:29.714

00:24:31.244 --> 00:24:33.585
Nevermind daughter, said the Colonel.

00:24:33.944 --> 00:24:35.144
It is better so.

00:24:35.714 --> 00:24:37.365
I will make good the loss to you.

00:24:37.785 --> 00:24:42.224
And so ends Nick, Carter's ghost story in a most natural manner.

00:24:42.884 --> 00:24:45.105
Nobody was ever punished for the affair.

00:24:45.555 --> 00:24:51.375
Even the gang of mediums and healers whom Nick had rounded up were released after their night in jail.

00:24:51.404 --> 00:24:56.835
Because on sober second thought their dupes were ashamed to complain against them.

00:24:58.234 --> 00:25:04.894
Well gang that wraps up another exciting story from the case files of Nick Carter, master detective.

00:25:05.704 --> 00:25:10.684
As usual, I would like to thank the tireless volunteers at project Gutenberg.

00:25:11.255 --> 00:25:16.535
It's only through their work and effort that I am able to share these amazing stories with you all.

00:25:17.255 --> 00:25:21.454
I would also like to take this time to remind you to become a supporter of the show.

00:25:21.994 --> 00:25:33.005
By doing so you allow me to donate some funds back to project Gutenberg, to be able to continue saving these wonderful tales of suspense and so many other stories as well.

00:25:33.964 --> 00:25:35.315
I'd also like to thank you.

00:25:35.345 --> 00:25:41.404
The listeners and the supporters of the show for simply being there and sharing this journey with me.

00:25:42.394 --> 00:25:49.384
I never thought that I'd be producing tails like this and gaining a worldwide audience, but that's exactly what's happened.

00:25:49.835 --> 00:25:57.994
And well, I'm humbled and honored that you are taking time out of your busy lives to listen to me, weave these yarns for you.

00:25:59.075 --> 00:26:05.045
It's a dream come true for me and I am eternally grateful and thankful for your continued support.

00:26:05.134 --> 00:26:06.184
And well-wishes.

00:26:07.325 --> 00:26:10.894
Next story coming up is the last story in the trilogy.

00:26:11.285 --> 00:26:12.664
The mystery of St.

00:26:12.694 --> 00:26:15.815
Agnes hospital written in the year 1900.

00:26:16.025 --> 00:26:16.744

00:26:16.744 --> 00:26:17.974
As it appeared in street.

00:26:17.974 --> 00:26:21.154
And Smith's weekly story paper, the New York weekly.

00:26:21.904 --> 00:26:22.775
And after that.

00:26:23.765 --> 00:26:26.555
Well, it's coming up on spooky season.

00:26:26.585 --> 00:26:27.694
Halloween folks.

00:26:28.055 --> 00:26:31.025
And I'm thinking about sharing some ghost stories with you all.

00:26:31.325 --> 00:26:39.904
The kind that used to be told around glowing campfires or a crackling fireplace stories that haven't seen the light of day in many years.

00:26:39.994 --> 00:26:45.065
Ah, Ah, ah, ah, Well, that's all the time I have for now gang.

00:26:45.454 --> 00:26:46.204
As always.

00:26:46.505 --> 00:26:47.555
Thanks for listening.

00:26:47.795 --> 00:26:50.015
Keep sharing the stories and.

00:26:50.585 --> 00:26:51.694
Be a good human.

00:26:52.744 --> 00:26:53.914
Bye for now.


Oct. 19, 2022

The Tell-Tale Heart

Send us a Text Message. Just in time for the halloween season, I present to you - Edgar Allan Poe's classic gothic nightmare: The Tell-Tale Heart Theme written by Bernard Kyer for this podcast. Follow the link for more info. …

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